The physical part of the dog’s immune system extends from the subcellular level to the whole organism. Each and every cell and all organ systems have their own components of immunity, and in turn, each has some sort of independent, inner regulator. Modern physics has taught us that the nature of any system cannot be discovered by dividing it into its component parts and studying each part by itself. We must keep our attention fixed on the whole and on the interconnection between the parts. The whole is never equal simply to the sum of its various parts.
Raw Dog Food versus Kibble?
(Original Article Published via So Many Choices, so Little Information … Fur kids have been fed McKibble and McCan…
Epilepsy and Seizures in Pets
Seizures can be caused by a number of triggers in dogs, including ingesting poison and or other toxic substances. These triggers also include low and high blood sugar, electrolyte imbalances or other metabolic reasons.
Liver Problems in Cats and Dogs
The short answer is “not likely”. If your dog has not yet reached end stage liver disease, there is hope for recovery.
Kidney Disease in Cats and Dogs
It’s estimated that over half of all pet cats over the age of 10 suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD), which is also often referred to as chronic renal disease or chronic renal failure.
Periodontal Disease in Cats and Dogs
Dr Lonsdale called it the ‘pandemic of periodontal disease in pets’, and highlighted this condition as a major cat and dog health issue, calling the canine condition “Foul-mouth AIDSâ€. Dr Lonsdale saw the bacterial proliferation in dog’s mouths as suppressing their immune systems, leading to a host of health problems.
The What and Why of Organ Meat
Before spending money on supplements, make sure you try whole foods first for your pack. They may prove to be the solution your mutts, pups and nobles needs. If whole foods do not provide enough support, then find the best herbal or organ supplement for your pack.
Tripe, the magical mystery meat!
If you are not fooding your dog or cat green tripe, you should be! Few natural foods offer as much nutrition, especially in a form so attractive to pets. The only downside to green tripe would be its smell.
Top 10 benefits of feeding a Raw and Real Food Diet to Dogs
Top 10 Benefits Of Feeding A Raw and Real Food Diet To Dogs Raw and real dog food diets have…
Feeding Guidelines
Raw Food Feeding Guidelines for Dogs And Other Tips …. Changing from kibble to natural, biologically species appropriate raw food…