At DoggyChef, we recommend using a stainless (for dogs and cats) steel, ceramic or glass dish, which is washed thoroughly with soap and hot water after every meal. Discard any uneaten food and store raw pet food in such a way it does not contaminate human food:
Are There Best Practices for Thawing?
Feeding your fur kids is a partnership between you and us! We only source the best for them, prepare the meals under strict conditions, ensure that the meals stay frozen and are delivered frozen to you. As part of this partnership, you need to employ basic best practices for thawing and feeding. To ensure a successful long-term raw feeding regiments for you and your pets, we recommend following these safe-handling instructions.
How do I store my DoggyChef Meals Safely?
At DoggyChef, we take great care in having your biologically species appropriate meals delivered frozen anywhere in Gauteng. So it is important that you keep the frozen meals in the freezer until you are ready to defrost and serve them to your dog or your pack. If you are making use of our portioned meal service, then you only need to remove the portions that apply for the day. If not, you should ensure that you store the unused portion in the refrigerator for the next day.