A Guide to Thawing Doggy Chef Raw Pet Food! Caring for Your Furkid, One Thaw at a Time! Here at…

A Guide to Thawing Doggy Chef Raw Pet Food! Caring for Your Furkid, One Thaw at a Time! Here at…
How Diet Shapes Your Dog’s behavior Meat, bone, and offal aren’t just essential for your dog’s physical health; they play…
Uncover the Benefits of Raw Food Diets for Cats and Dogs As pet parents, we all want to provide the…
Canine pancreatitis is usually seen in middle-aged dogs that have spent a lifetime being fed a diet mainly consisting of cooked and processed foods. Some integrative veterinarians, such as Dr Conor Brady, believe it is because high-carbohydrate based pet foods, which are hard for pets to digest, overstress the pancreas, quickly depleting its enzyme reserves.
It is not difficult to see why there is so much debate about the classification of the species “dog”. Given all of the research performed and published to validate the introduction of carbs and starches into the “dogs” diet, it is rather fallacious. Perhaps our species “dog” ability to process some carbs has always been present, a design for survival instead?
Dogs and cats, just like huumans, can have allergies. More than 30% of all skin irritations in our pets and fur kids can be attributed to allergies. Allergens can be found in foods, inhaled allergens like weed, tree and grass pollens, moulds or fungi, insects, carpet fibres and even other pets.
There are many theories (anecdotal, medical, scientific and conspiracy) regarding cancer in pet parents and pets alike. We cannot speculate on these, as we do not have the medical or scientific background. We can only attest based on our own experience with fooding many fur kids with various heath issues and medical ailments.
In her book titled “Feline Nutrition: Nutrition for the Optimum Health and Longevity of your Cat”, Lynn Curtis discuss Feline Nutrition and General Health Issues in great detail. We extract some very insightful facts from the book for your information.
Obesity is a disease of domestication and is the most common nutritional disease in pets and people. With a rare exception, such as a disease like thyroid disease, pet parents and guardians make their pets that way. Mutts, pups, nobles, masters, and muggles are not born that way. In the wild, few animals are obese.
Diabetes (not just in cats and dogs) is a disease reaching epidemic proportions across the globe.